Our PAX Financial Blog
Finding a Financial Group for the Middle Class
Most of us aren’t billionaires. We don’t have private jets, own a helicopter or rub elbows with the...
4 minute read
Top 8 Reasons Why San Antonio is a Good Place to Retire
When it comes to retirement planning, it’s obviously very important to think about your investments...
5 minute read
PAX Explains: What is Compound Interest?
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who...
4 minute read
7 Purchases Commonly Made Because of Adult Peer Pressure
Adult peer pressure is a real thing: I’ve been told that one in 10 Americans tell the other nine...
4 minute read
What’s the Price Tag of a Wedding? How Do You Pay for a Child’s Big Day?
Full financial planning isn’t just investments. When setting up a financial plan, a personal...
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How the Holidays Affect Retirement Planning (San Antonio)
We all know that long-term savings is critical to financial success, but first we have to get our...
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Spending Habits, Adult Children and Long-Term Money Plans
I’ve seen it more than enough: Parents give money to their adult children, and the kids then use...
4 minute read
Retirement Planning Help: The Mechanics of IRA Deposits
Retirement is an exciting time – or it should be! I say this, because while many people, after...
4 minute read
What Do I Do Right Now? New Book Looks at Money and Retirement at Any Age
No one wants to be broke. No one racks up debt on purpose because they enjoy paying double for...
4 minute read