Our PAX Financial Blog
Three Factors To Consider When Choosing Florida Or Texas As Your Home
*Originally published January 26th, 2022 on Forbes Finance Council As I observe the massive...
2 minute read
Growing Your Wealth with the Right Mindset and the Right Financial Advisor
It’s not just about how much money you have or don't have, as it turns out. It’s actually more...
5 minute read
What Does Your Money Mindset Say About You?
Your money mindset is basically a snapshot of your personal financial personality, habits,...
4 minute read
How to Align Your Financial Plan with Your Faith
Being religious or spiritual doesn’t mean that you also have to shun wealth and financial comfort.
4 minute read
5 Ways to Attract Financial Abundance into Your Life
If you’re seeking spiritual direction on how to attract financial abundance with manifestation...
5 minute read
How Much Does It Cost to Move?
About 400,000 American retirees relocate each year, on average, and of that, a large portion is...
5 minute read
12-month To-do list if you are retiring in 2023
Are you considering that 2023 might be the year you “call it a day” for good? Or have you already...
6 minute read
Why You May Need Less for Retirement than You Think
You’ve probably heard that you need to save enough to count on 80 percent of your pre-retirement...
4 minute read
3 Ways to Retire Early in Texas
The average retirement age for Americans is 62, although there are many who work longer, and a few...
4 minute read